an archive of beautiful memories

an archive of beautiful memories is an interactive audio installation exhibited in Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, NS from August 2014-2016.

The project was developed in response to memoirs written by students in Introduction to Visual Culture at NSCAD University in 2011. Following a series of lectures on Elaine Scarry’s Tanner Lectures on Human Values, On Beauty and Being Just (1998), students were invited to compose a memoir based on a memory of something beautiful. Twenty-two memoirs were recorded & stationed throughout the park, accessible through QR codes. In response, jeweler & designer Rebecca Hannon created a series of porcelain forms. These beautiful sculptures were also exhibited in the park for the duration of the installation. I am grateful to my students, and the City of Halifax for supporting the realization of this project. An Archive of Beautiful Memories was generously funded through the HRM Open Projects Program.




École Lesage